Aldi vs Food Lion: Which One Is Cheaper?

If you are deciding between Food Lion and Aldi, you have come to the right place. I compared the prices at both stores. I took the average price for the store brand items in some of the most common shopping categories. When comparing prices between Food Lion and Aldi, there are some key differences to take into account.


Food Lion offers beverages at a lower price point than Aldi, with a difference of $0.20 per item.


Aldi offers bread at a significantly lower price point than Food Lion, with a difference of $0.74 per item.

Canned Goods:

The price difference for canned goods between Food Lion and Aldi is relatively small, with Food Lion being $0.03 cheaper per item.


Food Lion offers dairy products at a slightly higher price point than Aldi, with a difference of $0.30 per item.

Dry Goods:

Aldi offers dry goods at a higher price point than Food Lion, with a difference of $0.15 per item.


Aldi offers frozen products at a significantly lower price point than Food Lion, with a difference of $1.10 per item.

Personal Care:

Aldi offers personal care products at a lower price point than Food Lion, with a difference of $0.90 per item.


The price difference for cleaner between Food Lion and Aldi is relatively small, with Aldi being $0.27 more expensive per item.

Overall, while Food Lion offers lower prices on certain items such as beverages, Aldi generally offers lower prices on a wider range of products including bread, frozen foods and personal care items. If price is the primary concern, it may be more cost-effective to shop at Aldi, but it’s important to also consider factors such as location, hours, store atmosphere and product availability.