When comparing the prices of products between Kroger and Trader Joe’s, there are significant differences in cost, with Trader Joe’s often being the more expensive option.

In terms of beverages, Kroger is cheaper by 43% with a price of $0.79 compared to $1.39 at Trader Joe’s.
For bread, Kroger has a price of $1.59 compared to $1.79 at Trader Joe’s, making it cheaper by 11%.
Canned goods are also cheaper at Kroger by 30% with a price of $0.69 compared to $0.99 at Trader Joe’s.
In the dairy category, Kroger is cheaper by 53% with a price of $2.57 compared to $5.69 at Trader Joe’s.
Dry goods are cheaper at Kroger by 50% with a price of $1 compared to $2.99 at Trader Joe’s.
For frozen products, the prices are the same at $1.
Finally, personal care products are cheaper at Kroger by 56% with a price of $0.89 compared to $2.99 at Trader Joe’s.
In conclusion, Kroger is generally cheaper than Trader Joe’s in most product categories.