Giant vs Walmart | Which One Is Cheaper & Better For You?

Both Giant and Walmart are amongst some of the largest supermarket chains in the world. Both serve customer needs of providing groceries, home goods, and other necessities. However, despite their similarities, they both do differ in many different aspects. More specifically, they differ in terms of price, size, quality, etc. So, which one of these stores should you shop at?


To help you make your decision between Giant and Walmart and give you a deeper understanding of which one of these stores is better, I took a look at 4 major factors:


  1. Price
  2. Product Quality
  3. Product Variety
  4. Size


After looking through these points, you will have a much better understanding as to which one of these supermarkets is better for you.


Which is Better: Giant or Walmart? Walmart is cheaper than Giant. Additionally, Walmart has much more product variety, which gives their customers more options to pick from. However, Giant does have better product quality.

Is Giant More Expensive Than Walmart?

One of the biggest decision factors that most shoppers consider when they are choosing between stores is price. Shoppers will usually go to the store that has the most affordable pricing. So, between Giant and Walmart, which one has the cheapest prices?


Category Giant Brand Walmart Brand
Baking Goods
Canned Goods
Dry Goods
Frozen Foods
Personal Care


So, which one is cheaper? Walmart is cheaper than Giant in multiple common shopping categories.


Unsurprisingly, Walmart beats Giant when comparing prices. Traditionally, Walmart has the lowest prices when compared to many other supermarkets. This is because of their ‘Everyday Low Price’ guarantee.


The only items that seemed to be cheaper at Giant was canned goods. Things like canned beans, canned corn, canned fish, etc. were cheaper at Giant’s stores than in Walmart. But other than that, Walmart was the clear winner.


So, if you are a shopper that likes to save, Walmart is a much better option for you to shop at.


Product Quality: Giant vs Walmart

Something else to consider when deciding on which of these stores to shop at is product quality. To get an understanding on which one of these stores has better quality, I looked at the FDA product recall list to see which store has had more recalled items in recent times.


This should give a good idea as to which store has consistently better quality for the products that they sell.


Category Giant Recalls Walmart Recalls
Animal & Veterinary 0 2
Biologics 0 0
Cosmetics 0 0
Dietary Supplements 0 0
Drugs 0 6
Food and Beverages 22 21
Medical Devices 0 0
Radiation Emitting Products 0 0
Tobacco 0 0


According to their record of FDA recalls, Walmart has had many more product recalls in recent times. More specifically, they have had recalls in their Animal & Veterinary, Drugs, and Food & Beverages categories. 


In total, Giant has had 22 recalls and Walmart has had 29 recalls. While they both have had a similar number of recalls, Giant has in fact had less.


So, if you are a shopper that prefers product quality over everything else, then Giant is the right option for you. 


Product Variety: Giant vs Walmart

When shopping at either of these stores, which one will you see the most variety? In other words, which one of these stores offers more options for you to pick from?


Something to note is that Giant is a supermarket, whereas Walmart is considered a hypermarket. The main difference being that hypermarkets like Walmart carry both supermarket and department store items. By nature, hypermarkets carry more items in their stores.


Total Giant Products Total Walmart Products
30,000 Products 120,000 Products


Unsurprisingly, Walmart carries more items in their stores than Giant. In fact, Walmart has just about 4 times as many products to pick from in comparison to Giant. 


So, if you are a shopper who likes many options to choose from, then Walmart is your store.

Which Has More Locations: Giant or Walmart?

Out of these two stores, which one has the most customer reach. More specifically, which store has more coverage throughout the US. In terms of the amount of store locations and states that each one covers, who is superior?


Giant Walmart
4 States 50 States
190 Stores 10,500 Stores


Clearly, Walmart has more stores than Giant. This means that Walmart likely reaches more customers and has more brand awareness than Giant.

Which One Should You Shop At: Giant vs Walmart?


When to shop at Giant: The only real advantage that Giant has over Walmart is in their product quality. They seem to have consistently better quality at Giant. However, it must be said that while they did have better quality in terms of FDA recalls, it wasn’t by much. Other than that, there is no real instance where you should choose Giant over Walmart.


When to shop at Walmart: Walmart offers superiority with their lower prices and higher product variety. If you are a shopper who prioritizes saving money and enjoys having more options at your disposal, then Walmart is where you should shop.