No Frills vs Walmart: Which One Is Cheaper?

If you’re trying to decide between shopping at No Frills or Walmart, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve looked into pricing for each store and calculated averages for different product categories. For the purpose of comparison, we’ve used store brand items, which are generally considered to be the best indicator of whether a product is expensive or not.

From what we’ve found, Walmart is usually cheaper than No Frills for a wide range of products. In fact, Walmart is cheaper than No Frills in all of the categories we looked at.

Which Is Cheaper: Walmart or No Frills?

  • Beverages at No Frills tend to be more expensive than at Walmart, with an average price of $0.99, which is roughly $0.19 higher.
  • Baked goods at No Frills are also more expensive than those at Walmart, with an average price of $1.99, which is about $0.70 higher.
  • Canned goods at No Frills are slightly more expensive than those at Walmart, with an average price of $1.00, which is about $0.20 higher.
  • Dairy products at No Frills are more expensive than those at Walmart, with an average price of $4.99, which is about $1.12 higher.
  • Dry goods at No Frills are also more expensive than those at Walmart, with an average price of $1.79, which is about $0.73 higher.
  • Frozen goods at No Frills are more expensive than those at Walmart, with an average price of $4.79, which is about $3.50 higher.
  • Personal care products at No Frills are more expensive than those at Walmart, with an average price of $2.29, which is about $1.01 higher.