Does Dollar Tree Blow Up Balloons?

Dollar Tree is a very well known chain, offering a vast amount of products & services for a very affordable price of $1. So you may be wondering if they will fill up balloons for you. To help you figure this out, I reached out to Dollar Tree customer service to find out if they will blow up balloons for you.


Does Dollar Tree Blow Up Balloons? Yes, Dollar Tree does blow up balloons in their stores for customers. However, they will only blow up balloons that they have in their balloon department. They will not inflate the regular holiday/party balloons that are found in their balloon aisle.


To be a bit more specific, the customer service representative said that the balloon inflation department has a bin of balloons, located behind the counter, that they will inflate. These are the only balloons that they are allowed to inflate. They will not blow up the balloons that are available on the aisle shelves. So, their inflatable balloon options are quite limited.



How Much Does Dollar Tree Charge To Blow Up Balloons

Like most other stores, Dollar Tree does not charge any additional fees to blow up balloons. In other words, once you purchase the balloon, it is free to blow up a balloon at Dollar Tree.


As mentioned above, free balloon inflation is pretty common among stores. For example, places like Kroger, Shoprite, and Publix will blow up your balloons for free. Sounds like a pretty good deal!



How Much Are Balloons at Dollar Tree?

The cost of a balloon at Dollar Tree is the same price as everything else in the store, $1. In comparison to most other grocery stores, Dollar Tree has some of the cheapest balloons out there. So if you are looking to find affordable inflated balloons, you should absolutely check out Dollar Tree.



Does Dollar Tree Fill Helium Balloons?

Yes, in addition to uninflated balloons that can be found on the shelves in their aisles, they also sell helium-filled balloons that are also available for purchase.


These helium balloons can typically be found in the front of the store near the entrance. Most Dollar Tree stores are set up the same, however, if you can’t seem to find the helium balloons, it’s best to ask one of the employees to point you in the right direction.



Will Dollar Tree Fill Up Balloons That Aren’t Purchased In The Store?

Unfortunately, Dollar Tree will only inflate balloons that you purchase from their balloon department. This means you are not allowed to bring in your own balloons, you must purchase their balloons in order to get inflated balloons.



Does Dollar Tree Sell Inflated Balloons?

Yes, Dollar Tree does sell pre-inflated balloons. This means that if you are in a hurry, and don’t have time to wait for an employee to inflate a balloon. You can quickly grab one that is already inflated, pay for it, and then leave. 


The pre-inflated balloons cost the exact same as the uninflated balloons, so regardless of which one you choose, you will still be paying the same price.